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Home Insurance in Amarillo

Average cost of homeowners insurance: $1,400 per year

Top neighborhoods: Canyon West, North Heights, Ridgewood

High traffic areas: The Amarillo Zoo, the Amarillo Botanical Gardens, the Amarillo Museum of Art

Number of apartments rented: 30,000

Number of homes rented: 15,000

Event: The 1974 Tornado Alley outbreak

Total claims paid: $1 billion

Amount of damage done: $1.5 billion

Facts: The outbreak occurred on April 9-10, 1974, and spawned 148 tornadoes, including an F5 tornado that struck Amarillo. The tornado caused widespread damage in Amarillo, destroying or damaging thousands of homes and businesses.

Comprehensive insurance coverage is crucial for Amarillo homeowners to ensure they are financially protected in the event of a major storm or other distaster.

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